Compensation by States

Alabama                       Minimum of $50,000 per year    No Maximum

California                     Maximum $100 per day

Connecticut                 Discretion of the Claims Commissioner

Florida                          Minimum $50,000 per year Maximum $2 Million total 
                                       including supplemental awards

Illinois                           For imprisonment of 5 years or less: not more than $15,000  
                                       5 – 14 years: not more than $30,000  
                                       For imprisonment over 14 years: not more than $35,000 
                                       with a cost of living adjustment

Maine                            $300,000 Maximum

Iowa                               $50 per day

Louisiana                       $15,000 per year $150,000 Maximum

Maryland                        A reasonable amount for any financial 
                                         or other appropriate counseling for the individual

Massachusetts              $500,000 Maximum

Missouri                          Minimum $50 per day for post-conviction incarceration
                                         $36,500  Maximum