Official or Government Misconduct: Is one cause of wrongful convictions that is inexcusable. It’s not like Eyewitness Misidentification that could be explained as a simple mistake. The motive that would cause a highly trained person to send an innocent person to prison is beyond are understanding. Some just say the criminal justice system is a human endeavor and it will never be fixed. We hope they are wrong because without law and order there will be anarchy and chaos. From an outsider view we have observed some solutions to this problem:
- The government should immediately stop all forms of Legal immunity and make everyone responsible for their actions. No one should be above the law.
- If a government employee is found to have caused the wrongful outcome of a legal proceeding not just criminal but in all types of cases, all of the courts. That person once convicted of that crime should suffer far more than a regular citizen. To preserve the confidence in our justice system.
- The government employee should be fired their pension should be revoked.
- The property of the government employee should be confiscated and given to the person they have harmed.
- The government employee should spend a considerable amount of time locked up. We understand that this could result in a death sentence if housed in prison general population. So we have looked to the past for a solution and found a way that was used before. It’s called Pillory. It was to humiliate the person that was locked in it. Being confined in a public place possibly the entrance to the court house or maybe a shopping mall. It has a sinister past but if used in a civilized manner. Lots of padding, frequent rest stops and not let the people throw hard objects. Maybe the Supreme Court would reverse their decision to ban this tool of justice.
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