to the good prosecutors that follow the law, Find a way to prosecute the bad prosecutors, your reputation is at stake. 40 years of chaos will require an extraordinary act to save our justice system.

to the potential jury, Beware what you hear from a prosecutor, it might not be true.

                      to the prosecutors that fabricates evidence, lie to the judge and jury, coerce witnesses to give false testimony and other unscrupulous activities to get a conviction. Your career is almost over with. The only question we have to work out with our government is what punishment you will receive.

1976 the people of this nation, were celebrating the birth of the United States, on its 200 anniversary, that same year, the United States Supreme Court, decided to Legalize Dishonesty in our courtrooms, by permitting prosecutors to corrupt the jury, sending innocent people to prison or execution.


Other News

Made in America, not a hand-me-down from Europe, Simple Justice Court is on its way, a better way of doing things legally.

For example Simple Justice Court would not allow the matter above to happen, both sides are required to tell the truth. With punishment if they don’t.


Please contact your Government, remind them about the system of checks and balances and to fix this problem.
Homeland security should be notified, the integrity of the nation is in jeopardy which could be its downfall.

We would like this to stop


                        to the administration that keeps bad prosecutors employed. You should look for another job outside of government. The people/defendants that were victimized by these government employees had rights outlined in the United States Bill of Rights, which were ignored. They were also protected by the United Nations Universal declaration of human rights, also disregarded. All humans have a right to a fair trial no matter where they live. If this situation is not changed for the better soon we will get the United Nations the world court whatever it takes. Think about it.

